Welcome, Class of 2028!

Welcome, Class of 2028!
January 31 was our Commitment Day (or Registration Day) for the Class of 2028! Per Archdiocesan regulations, January 31 was the FIRST day that high schools could begin to accept registrations from incoming freshmen. We are thrilled to announce that on the first day of the registration period, 96 eighth graders officially registered to attend Mercy McAuley next year! This represents a 37% increase compared to the first day of the registration period last year. We expect to receive additional registrations over the coming weeks and months leading up to the start of the 2024-25 school year.
Our newest Wolves come from 23 different elementary schools. They are talented, bright young women, and as we witnessed firsthand at the Commitment Day festivities, they are excited and proud to be part of the Pack! They are eager to be challenged by our outstanding academic, athletic, and fine arts programs. They will be known by every one of their teachers and classmates. They will be part of a community, not part of the crowd. They will be a part of Mercy McAuley’s exciting future ahead!
We thank the 96 families who have already chosen a Mercy McAuley education for their daughter. Please join us in giving them a very warm welcome to the Mercy McAuley community!